
Les Dinacharya The Dinacharya which are the daily routines which are an integral part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle and which help to adapt our body to the daily rhythm of nature.

Among the Dinacharya we find the following routines:

  • Get up before 6am
  • Scratching your tongue with a tongue scraper
  • Rinse your mouth with sesame oil (Gandoush). It’s about keeping a tablespoon of sesame oil in your mouth for 5-20 minutes. With the mouth closed, the oil is circulated all over the mouth, from left to right and back and forth between the teeth. Be careful not to spit the liquid in the sink, this can clog the pipes, favor a container to be discarded with recyclable oils.

    You can also use sunflower and coconut oil when it liquefies in summer.

  • Drink a cup of hot water
  • Clean the nose with water (Jala Neti – see below)
  • Massage your body with a silk glove
  • Make a self-massage all over the body with hot oil (sesame oil or oil adapted to your constitution. In summer with coconut oil for these refreshing properties when it liquefies)
  • You can rinse the oil with a chickpea paste which you cover all over your body (chickpea powder, mixed with water)
  • Showering (for cleaning the tubing of the shower use ORGANIC cleaning vinegar)
  • Do breathing exercises (Prana) and / or Yoga exercises
  • Meditate for 20 minutes
  • Have a breakfast adapted to your typology (Dosha)

If you skip a routine, be aware, realize it’s benefits.

Indication for the Jala Neti:

Jala Neti from Sanskrit “cleaning the nose with water”, is a technique which makes it possible to rinse and cleanse the nasal cavities using a special pot (Neti Lota) filled with lukewarm water (37 ° C) salty.

  • Clean the Neti thoroughly with warm water and soap after each use to avoid the growth of bacteria.
  • Do not practice Jala Neti in case of a severe cold or if you suffer from earache. If in doubt, consult your doctor


For example, this is how I do it.

I prepare water +/- 37 ° C degrees with fine sea salt (a teaspoon for half a liter – this corresponds to an isotonic solution) Mix the salt well until diluted.

I place the spout in one nostril (I start from the left), I tilt my head slowly and I open my mouth by adjusting the inclination of the head to a point where the water begins to flow from the left nostril to the right.

I continue to breathe through my mouth. It is very important to keep your mouth open during the whole process.

Before going to the other nostril, I blow my nose gently, it is important not to blow my nose hard, because we can send water to the ears and sinuses.

The drying stage of the nose is also important, you have to lean forward and tilt your head towards the ground to let the residual water flow for 10-20 seconds. Inhale gently through your mouth and exhale through your nose a dozen times.

Then I straighten up and I take quick breaths through the nostrils, 10 breaths with the 2 nostrils, accentuating the exhalation a little more. Then 10 breaths left nostril then 10 breaths right nostril. Then 10 breaths with the 2 nostrils. The operations can be repeated if the nose is not dry.